Metaphor: Catching the big fish vs learning to fish

August 31st, 2022

Metaphor: Catching the big fish vs learning to fish

Catching the big fish

An organization has a problem;

we can liken this problem to 'a big fish'.

Therefore, the goal of the improvement project is the big fish


learning to fish

The key is to ensure that all employees know how to fish

and Toyota's improvement project are geared towards

'teaching employees to fish'.


Everyone can always improve their fishing ability, as there will always be new fish.

Large and small.

Fast and slow.

Easily caught and not so easy to catch.


What is central is the organization's ability to fish.


Anyone can catch the big fish.

Learning how to become a 'self-fishing' organization is something completely different.


(src: Book: This is LEAN - Niklas Modig & Par Ahlstrom)